Of ideological legitimacy that was as Phone Number List important or more important than the military presence, because important sectors of society were recognized in this idea of society and modernity based on equality. It was not only the military presence that guaranteed Russia's predominant position within the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. Socialism had a Phone Number List source of ideological legitimacy that was as important or more important than the military presence, because important sectors of society were recognized in this idea of society and modernity based on equality. It was not only the military presence that guaranteed Russia's predominant position Phone Number List within the USSR and the Warsaw Pact.
Socialism had a source of ideological legitimacy Phone Number List that was as important or more important than the military presence, because important sectors of society were recognized in this idea of society and modernity based on .and, more generally, Western. At present, however, Russia does not offer any attractive Phone Number List horizon to compete with the model of the European Union or the United States. On the contrary, its socioeconomic model represents an oligopolistic, autocratic and deeply extractive degradation of the prevailing capitalism. Russia's is not, then, a Phone Number List war of expansion, it is the war of a hegemonic actor in frank decline to keep afloat the last vestige of what Putin perceives to have been an imperial power.
The brutality of the invasion is reminiscent Phone Number List of that of other colonial powers that faced the collapse of their empire after World War II and of France in particular. In particular, Russia's actions are reminiscent of how France led a violent war in Phone Number List Algeria to try to prevent, This perspective helps to understand the difficulty of reading current events, which many of us found when the invasion took place. Because it is true that the invasion, from a Phone Number List Russian security point of view, not only fails to shore it up, but,